06.06.24 – 07.06.24
Spilletid | 22.30 |
Varighed | 60 min |
Pris | 160 |
Sprog | Engelsk |
’Mød hinanden med fred og omsorg’ – Alok Vaid-Menons (de/dem) budskab er klart i den ofte konfliktfyldte debat om kønsidentiteter. De er en internationalt anerkendt forfatter, komiker og debattør, der arbejder med temaer som traume, tilhørsforhold og de vilkår som indskrænker menneskets frihed.
Under CPH STAGE kan man opleve ALOK i et kombineret stand-up -og poetry show om deres personlige historie og oplevelser som transfeminin og nonbinær. De har bl.a. beskrevet deres egen udvikling, hvor deres mindset er gået fra at være drevet af frygt til nysgerrighed. Som de siger: ’That’s what fuels me now: not a diagnosis of all the things that are wrong; a diagnosis of alle the things that are right’
ALOK står også bag #DeGenderFashion, som er et initiativ, der kæmper for at gøre mode- og skønhedsindustrien mere kønsneutral. De har desuden udgivet indtil flere bøger samt vundet priser og blevet tildelt legater for deres arbejde med at nedbryde fordomme og bygge bro mellem mennesker. Senest har dokumentaren ’ALOK’ haft premiere på Sundance Film Festival, hvor den blev beskrevet som en film, der indkapsler ’the spirit of queer identity’.
Forestillingen er kurateret og præsenteret af CPH STAGE i samarbejde med Blaagaard Teater.
'Meet each other with peace and care' - Alok Vaid-Menon's (they/them) message is clear in the often contentious debate about gender identities. They are an internationally recognized writer, comedian and debater working with themes of trauma, belonging and the conditions that limit human freedom.
During CPH STAGE you can experience ALOK in a combined stand-up and poetry show about their personal story and experiences as transfeminine and nonbinary. Among other things, they have described their own development, where their mindset has gone from being driven by fear to curiosity. As they say: 'That's what fuels me now: not a diagnosis of all the things that are wrong; a diagnosis of all the things that are right'
ALOK is also behind #DeGenderFashion, an initiative that fights to make the fashion and beauty industry more gender neutral. They have also published several books, won awards and received grants for their work in breaking down prejudices and building bridges between people. Most recently, the documentary 'ALOK' premiered at the Sundance Film Festival, where it was described as a film that encapsulates 'the spirit of queer identity'.
The performance is curated and presented by CPH STAGE in collaboration with Blaagaard Teater.
- Alok Vaid-Menons
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- Alok Vaid-Menons
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